The Future of the Mainframe

and vision
Devops graphicDevops graphic

According to the Economist, back in June of 2001, noted science fiction writer and futurist William Gibson observed that, “The future is already here—it's just unevenly distributed.”

Nowhere has that been more accurate than on the platform where business computing truly came into its own: the mainframe. And while the prescience of the platform’s design put it in front from the beginning, it has continued not merely to keep up with the future, but to define it. As visionaries such as Abraham Lincoln and Peter Drucker have pointed out: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” 


Today, we stand firmly within the purview of decades’ worth of future tomorrows, as the IBM mainframe stands ready to handle the most advanced futuristic workloads running today, and their successors, while building for a future that only time or a signed NDA can tell.

In this video, key participants in the future of the mainframe share their insights about where we’re going next.


Mainframe luminaries weigh on why the platform has enjoyed ongoing success during its nearly 60-year history. Video features: Len Santalucia, CTO and business development manager for Vicom Infinity, a Converged Company; Rosalind Radcliffe, IBM Fellow and CIO Dev CTO; Marna Walle, z/OS installation, upgrade and management at IBM; Brian Marshall, chief strategist at Vanguard Integrity Professionals; Milt Rosberg, global VP for sales marketing and business development for Vanguard Integrity Professionals; Dr. Cameron Seay, mainframe thought leader/Adjunct Professor at East Carolina University; and Greg Lotko, general manager of the Mainframe Software Division at Broadcom.

Read Mainframe Master Innovations, Part One