Humanity and the People of the Mainframe

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The humanity of the mainframe is all about people, from the original business practices and disciplines that were its formative paradigms to the philosophy and design that led to the creation of what has in many ways remained the ultimate business computing platform. As Dr. Fred Brooks, who led the creation of the original System/360 and OS/360, observed in his book, “The Design of Design: Essays from a Computer Scientist,” “For the architecture team, the real System/360 was the Design Concept itself, a Platonic ideal computer.”

Today, the pervasive impact of information technology is undeniable, but the humanity of business computing continues to be a journey that is about serving people, and also about new and future generations who will be part of the IT and mainframe ecosystem and the customers it serves—namely, all of us.


On a platform where multiple generations have already contributed to its establishment and advancement, we now have several generations concurrently building the future, from those who entered the workforce in the 1980’s and before, through those who bet their future on the platform despite the naysayers of the 1990’s and turn of the millennium, then the next-gen mainframers of the new millennium, to their kids. 

Listen to new mainframer Laticia Carrow discuss how her daughter may take the path into the mainframe ecosystem, following in her mother’s and grandmother's footsteps. Hear how Dr. Cameron Seay is forming a new generation of mainframers at HBCUs, while Ross Mauri and Greg Lotko apply strategic leadership to bring about generations to come:


Mainframe luminaries weigh on why the platform has enjoyed ongoing success during its nearly 60-year history. Video features: Len Santalucia, CTO and business development manager for Vicom Infinity, a Converged Company; Rosalind Radcliffe, IBM Fellow and CIO Dev CTO; Marna Walle, z/OS installation, upgrade and management at IBM; Brian Marshall, chief strategist at Vanguard Integrity Professionals; Milt Rosberg, global VP for sales marketing and business development for Vanguard Integrity Professionals; Dr. Cameron Seay, mainframe thought leader/Adjunct Professor at East Carolina University; and Greg Lotko, general manager of the Mainframe Software Division at Broadcom.


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Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting

Vanguard Advisor with Active Alerts 

Monitoring and analyzing real-time event logs are critical to risk management in the z/OS system and all security server environments. Failure to identify an attempted break-in or misuse of a resource can cost an organization millions. Identifying security exposures is only the beginning. You must also clarify the character and significance of a problem and take corrective action before catastrophe strikes. Vanguard’s enterprise alerting and notification systems meet stringent performance requirements which includes ease of use and budget friendly flexibility.
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Vanguard Advisor is a customizable event-driven engine that analyzes event logs that are critical to risk management and mainframe compliance in z/OS, RACF, ACF2 and TSS systems.
Provides notifications and real-time reporting on security events. Vanguard Active Alerts will notify the SIEM in order for enterprises to take decisive action and make critical business decisions.
Powerful System Event Log Reporting
Vanguard Advisor is a customizable event-driven engine providing notifications and real-time reporting on security events.
Active Alerts for the SIEM Ecosystem
Delivers mainframe data to all conventional SIEM products that monitor, search, analyze and visualize machine generated data in real-time using interactive dashboards.