October 2023
The IBM Z platform was designed to encompass the full circle of business computing needs, from the most innovative of initiatives to the most exacting and high volume of business workloads. And while the foundational design embodied in generations of IBM’s Principles of Operation manual has remained a true north identity and integrity of the platform, the innovation it has enabled has kept the platform lightyears ahead of alternatives.
Responsible for the large majority of business data and processing worldwide by volume and value, the incumbency of the mainframe is not taken for granted. IBM and the numerous other members of the mainframe ecosystem continue to build on its unique and ever-expanding strengths in anticipation of and response to the exploding inundation of requirements, challenges and opportunities that are so uniquely addressed by the computing platform that runs the world economy.
The four videos below give first-hand insights on the definitive role of the mainframe, today and into the future, in serving the business needs of humanity.
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